Lubomír Zaorálek

„S Jiřím Vzientkem spolupracuji už více než 20 let. Za tu dobu jsem se přesvědčil o jeho pracovitosti, práci pro druhé i to, že dodrží své slovo. Jsem rád, že se na něj mohu bez obav spolehnout.“

Mirai Navrátil

„Věřím, že Jirka je stejným frýdecko-místeckým patriotem jako já a pomáhá nám realizovat akce především na poli kultury. Je velmi ochotný a nápomocný konzultant.“

Amy Donnie

Jake Gyllenhaal range of roles is just phenomenal. The good thing is that he knows that he is in demand and is making full use of it. In last 3 years alone has starred in more than 10 movies. That is a very high for a leading actor in Hollywood. We all know the films that he has starred in. In spring 2002, Gyllenhaal also starred on the London stage in Kenneth Lonergan’s revival of This Is Our Youth. The actor received an Evening Standard Theater Award for his portrayal.

Mike Demien

Jake Gyllenhaal is without doubt among the best actors working today. His range of roles is just phenomenal. The good thing is that he knows that he is in demand and is making full use of it. In last 3 years alone has starred in more than 10 movies. That is a very high for a leading actor in Hollywood. We all know the films that he has starred in.